
Marty Smartypants is a very smart man.

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Marty Smartypants is a very smart man. He knows this because his mamma told him so, his grandma told him so, his teachers have told him so, his school principle has told him so, he was tested every year and told he was a genius, he was surrounded by other smart kids and yet he was much smarter than they were. Clearly no one ever understood issues and saw solutions as clearly as he does. And so year after year Mr. Smartypants grew ever more impressed with how smart he was and how dumb the people of the world must be as he excelled at school, then work, then in his personal endeavours. One day Mr. Smartypants met Scotty Snotforbrains. Scotty was not especially bright. He was amiable and did well enough in school and got a college degree and did well enough in life, but Mr. Smartypants had contempt for him anyway. Mr. Snotforbrains and Mr. Smartypants lived in the same neighborhood, went to the same church, participated in the same social events, and knew many of the same people but as time went by, Mr. Smartypants began to lose friends. This was a slow process. He began to lose jobs. He began to lose respect. He began to not be invited to social events, church meetings, and in general became shunned. Mr Smartypants could not figure out why. "Surely I am smart!", he would say. "People value my intellect." As it turned out, over time, the only person who would talk to Mr. Smartypants was Mr. Snotforbrains who he had contempt for. Slowly over time, Mr. Smartypants began to realize that he lacked social skills and began to seek wisdom from Mr. Snotforbrains. He began to pester Mr. Snotforbrains endlessly asking, "Why do people hate me?" "Why am I being shunned?" Mr. Snotforbrains looked at him, blinked his eyes several times and said, "Finally it appears that I am smarter than you."